Whether you're gainfully employed and looking for a change OR unemployed and seeking the perfect employment opportunity for your situation, Miller Consulting LLC welcomes you.
Miller Consulting LLC accepts resumes from job seekers and if there are any immediate matches for jobs in our system, we call to screen the candidate right away. Otherwise, when Miller Consulting LLC takes a new job order that may be a probable match, the candidate is marked as a "Most Probable Candidate" and our recruiters reach out to discuss the position in detail, perform a phone interview and determine whether the candidate is eligible for an interview. Qualified and interested candidates are scheduled by Miller Consulting LLC to interview with the employer and the employee and employer provide feedback regarding the interview within 24 hours of the interview process.
What happens after I email and submit my resume?
Step One- Miller Consulting receives and acknowledges receipt of your resume.
Step Two- Your resume is processed in our system for possible matches with current job openings within 48 hours.
Step Three- A recruiter from Miller Consulting LLC will reach out with job opening information and start the screening process for positions you may qualify for.
What happens if my resume is processed and there are no immediate job opening matches?
Great question, rest assured that our talented recruiters will keep your resume active in our candidate system for any and all matches. If you wish to remove your resume from our system, simply email us with a note that you wish to be removed from the database.
What is the best way for me to follow-up to discuss possible job openings?
We love to hear from you! Email is the best form of communication and we welcome your follow-up inquiries. If you update your resume in any fashion, please make sure to send an updated version to Miller Consulting LLC so we have the most up to date version at all times.
How do I submit my resume?
Click here to fill out our candidate form. Answer all of the questions, upload your resume, and submit. It's just that easy!
"Like" us on Facebook and feel free to follow our page for relevant job seeker information as well as job postings. Please keep in mind that we don't post all of our job openings on social media for a variety of reasons. If you see a job opening post on our FB page and it is labeled "Position filled or Position Closed" and you believe that you would be a good match for any future positions of it's kind, please let us know!